This statement is to assure you that 247 Liquor has implemented its Pandemic Action Plan and is taking every precaution to minimize the spread of this virus and also the impact on your and our business. Our highest priority is the health and safety of our employees and those in our network, including our customers, suppliers and business partners.
We have implemented heightened security and screening controls for everyone entering any of our facilities or come into contact with our staff. Furthermore, we have been in regular communication and education with all of our team members across our terminal network about our pandemic protocols, precautionary measures and expectations that support everyone’s health and wellbeing.
247 Liquor has a Pandemic Planning Team that is constantly monitoring the World Health Organization, Health Canada and the Ontario Ministry of Health announcements and updates regarding the status of the pandemic in various areas and recommended best practices. We have updated our Pandemic Plan and are working through the various action items detailed in this plan, which include sections on Business Continuity; Policies; Communication & Training: Employees: Customers: Resources: and Communities. This is a constantly evolving plan as the status of COVID-19 and the requirements of our customers change.
Please be assured that we have the infrastructure, procedures and safeguards in place to continue delivering the highest level of service and support to you, our valued customer, through our team of transportation professionals and terminal network.
The 247 Family.